Thank you for all your prayers! The surgery went very well.  They had a hard time waking me up after the surgery. Then, I couldn’t keep anything I tried to eat down. So the first 24 hours were rough. I’m feeling much better now and I’m ready to go home! 
Of course, I must consider that my belly will suddenly have a gigantic target on it when I see all my little darlings! You know how young children have a built-in sensor for an adult’s most tender spots, and then they have to pounce on it!! 😉
By God’s grace, I was able to keep my one ovary. So I won’t go through early menopause, I’m very happy about that!  
Thanks again for all your prayers! And in a few weeks, I hope to be conquering the world….or at least my “Things I need to do” list! 😉 
May God bless all of you for your kindness!

I’m home and I had to share a picture of my “Welcome Home Cake”
My oldest, who is 13 years old, had made me a cake to welcome me home after my hospital stay.
 I just had to share it with all of you! It’s too fun!
She made it look like my blog! 
She loves to make cakes!


  1. That's wonderful news Jennifer! I've been keeping you in my prayers. I hope you are able to go home today and rest in your own own and be with family!! Gentle hugs though from your kids!!

  2. Thanks Noreen! I have been very blessed! I'm feeling very good considering have about 6 staples just below my belly button! (I hate staples) I came home before lunch and I'm now relaxing on my favorite chair. I think my poor little babies feel worse then me since they have now come down with a nasty cold! :-(Thanks again for the prayers!

  3. So glad that you are home. I've been thinking about you and saying prayers.

  4. Thank you Chip! 😉 Everyone's prayers have been working! I'm getting a little better each day! Thanks so much! You have been a wonderful friend! God Bless!

  5. I'm so glad you are healing more and feeling better each day. Prayer is powerful.

  6. Thanks Elisa! I'm excited because I get my staples out today! I know from my c-sections, that always feels so much better! God bless you all for your kindness!

  7. Glad to hear that things went well and you are up and crafting already. What a beautiful cake! How thoughtful of your big girl to do that.

  8. Oh, thank you!! It feels good to be back at crafting even on a small level! And I loved the cake! My daughter is a wonderful cake maker, but she normally has odd tastes in design! Last time she made me a tick cake! Yes, a tick, a blood-sucking bug! Yum! God Bless!

  9. That's too cute, Lacy! I love the creative minds of children! My kids have taught me so much through their honest and innocent ways. They are all such a blessing! Thanks so much for sharing! 🙂

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