Okay here is my very first Catholic Inspired video!! My husband was shocked that I did this! I hate being videotaped, but my typical step-by-step pictures just didn’t seem to work, so I reluctantly decide a video was a must! My kids thought this was hilarious, and claimed I sound like a kid on video. I’ll admit, I do sound young…I guess it’s my inner child coming out!!  It was fun! 😉

**Note: Please don’t throw the scrap pieces into the trash!! They are blessed! The proper way to dispose of them is to bury them, burn them, or return them to your church so they can burn them and use them next Ash Wednesday. In our family we always placed a palm with a crucifix like this:

Storing palms until you can braid them

If you can’t braid your palms within an hour or two after Mass, place your palms in a zip-loc bag with a tablespoon of water, seal it, shake it, and place it in the fridge. That will keep it from drying out until you can get to braiding it! They should keep that way for a few days.

Crown of Thorns made from a Palm
You can also make a crown of thorns with a palm (using half the “sword” as I did in the video). This is the same technique as the Paper Crown of Thorns, click here to see that post. The only difference is you tie the two ends together.

For a detailed guide to the braiding and cutting go to my Paper Crown of Thorns post here.
You also might like to see this post on how to make a 4 square braid.


  1. Thank you for posting this, it brought back wonderful childhood memories. I was just telling my kids about the braided palm. My grandmother did this when I was a child, sadly she passed away before I ever learned how to do this. Now I know and will gladly pass it on to my kids.

  2. really like this…want to pin it to remember for next year!!thanks,Holly

  3. ok, found it on pinterest and repinned!!! love it, thanks!

  4. Love it mom!!! The video is so cool. I didn't know you could do something like that!! Oh, Thanks for teaching me how to Braid the palms!!! Guess who!!!

  5. Thank you for posting this! I've got my palms in a glass of water and will be braiding after the Easter cookie dough goes into the fridge.

  6. Mary Bound March 10 2016. Thanks for your post. Never tried this crown .I've been braiding since I was a young girl, I'm now 66.

  7. interesting!!!(H)

  8. Hi Jennifer,The video for How to braid a palm on Palm Sunday is not working. Can you re-upload it? My daughter wants to braid a palm.Thanks.Stanley

  9. Hi Stanley,I'm not sure what happened to the video. It just disappeared off of YouTube. I had to go through my old file disks but I did find it. I'm uploading it now, but these videos take forever to up load!! I hope to have it by morning. Sorry for the issues, I wish I knew where the old one went. Have a blessed Holy Week and Easter.~Jennifer

  10. Thanks, Jennifer.Have a blessed Holy Week and Easter.Stanley

  11. Thank you for such clear, concise instructions. They were very easy to follow.

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