Here are some lamb arts, crafts, and activities to use for St. Agnes feast day (Jan. 21) or when teaching about the “Lamb of God” or “The Good Shepherd”.

Holly at Three Sided Wheel has this cute
 Lamb Prayer Card holder. (with printable parts)

Rust and Sunshine has instructions for this cute lamb art project.

Gummy Lump has instructions for this fun little lamb project.

A Faithful Attempt has instructions to make this Bubble lamb
I’d love to try this!!

Here is a paper lamb from Melissa’s Stampin’ For Fun
This one was made with paper punches, but similar paper shapes could be cut with scissors.
I’m sure my daughter will be trying this!

Here is how to draw a lamb instructions from How to draw Funny Cartoons!
Isn’t he a fun little guy! Check out the site for other lamb drawing instructions.

Paper Dali has a St. Agnes Coloring page:
(She’s holding a lamb)

Here is our lamb biscuits:
Click here to see this post

Here is our Lamb Cupcakes
Click here to see this post

And last but not least is our “Feed My Sheep” game

Hope that helps you! I sure found a lot of fun things for my kids!
The Winners are……
Okay,  now for the winners of the Holy Name of Jesus efile Puzzle / Game
The winners are….. (drawn randomly by Rafflecopter)
Congratulations! I will be sending the winners an email.
Thank you to everyone who entered! And I have to tell you all:
The wonderful answers to the “What made you smile this week”  question made me smile! It sounds like many of you have been blessed with some adorable kids and grandkids!!
I hope they keep making you smile! 🙂

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